Tuesday, 4 August 2009


Help needed!

Spankers, spankees, dominants, submissives, fetishists… please tell me your fantasies as I need ideas to turn them into play and movie scripts. I am particularly interested in the spanking scene as this is my fetish, currently living in a spanking relationship myself. But, be assured all ideas will be welcomed, and I may even send you a script scene of your experiences or fantasies for you to keep – imagine that, having your experiences written on paper for you to keep forever.

So what is all this about? I am trying to help spankers in domestic situations master their fantasies. You know when you get it clear in your head of how you want to spank, or would like the spanking delivered, when it does not quite go to plan or something is missed out of the ritual it can leave you a little deflated regardless of how much your bottom hurts or indeed your hand. After all let’s face it – it is a mind game.

I hope that my scripts can eliminate this suppression and help get it right. Now what do I need?

Reasons why you were spanked?
Reasons why you delivered a spanking?
The most painful spanking you have received, and what was the implement?
What implement scares you the most? The brush, paddle, the cane, belt, spoon, birch, slipper…
Which implement do you prefer to use, and why?
At what times do you prefer to spank or be spanked? Spontaneously, after, before or during sex?

At present I only have my own ideas, and I hope that this research will provide me with a wider scope.

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